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The 1916 Project (Hardcover) *Pre-Order

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Do you look around at our country, our culture, and wonder: "HOW DID WE GET HERE?"

The 1916 Project unearths the how and why of our "progressive" culture shift. In 1916, the founder of Planned Parenthood opened her first clinic that launched America into a moral revolution that would have far-reaching consequences worldwide.

Seth Gruber masterfully brushes away the shifting sand to reveal the rock truth we all must stand on. Fair warning: once you understand what's really happening, there's no turning back.

Shipping early September


    SETH GRUBER is one of the most trusted and influential voices today, driving change in the battle for Life. With a clarion call, he exposes the chilling realities of America’s “Culture of Death,” while urging the church to rise and lead the charge on the front lines of our cultural war.

    As the host of the Seth Gruber Podcast, he reaches tens of thousands with his impassioned message. Additionally, he serves as the Executive Producer of the groundbreaking documentary The 1916 Project, shedding light on the twisted history of today’s modern abortion crises.

    Seth Gruber is on a journey to empower others to stand against the tide of darkness and fight for a culture of life.

    Seth and his wife Olivia have three children and live in Kansas City.


    “This book by Seth Gruber is a biblically-inspired, historically-grounded summons to the conscience of God’s people to fight abortion. Read with an open mind and heart, it will reveal to you that the biggest challenges to defeating the culture of death are not the enemies around us, but rather the ones within us: cowardice and excuses, often dressed up in religious garb. Our most urgent need is not to figure out what we must do, but to summon the courage to do it. This book has me jumping up and cheering! Read it, and let’s go fight for life!”

    Frank Pavone (National Director, Priests for Life President, National Pro-life Religious Council)

    “Seth Gruber is one of the brightest young lights in the pro-life movement. He is incredibly well read and has a quick mind that allows him to connect the dots of the culture wars in a way that few can match. The 1916 Project is his latest work, and I recommend it highly to anyone who truly desires to understand the underpinnings of the culture of death and how we got where we are as a society.”

    Anthony Levantino (MD, JD)

    “Not since researching my best-selling book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy have I been so surprised at the things I did not know. Seth has unearthed and exposed innumerable facts about the history of today’s “progressive” movement. The 1916 Project brings astonishing clarity—and bombshell truth. Thoroughly documented and cited, this book will be viciously attacked by the Left because it exposes PRECISELY what they’ve been trying to hide from us. Please read it!”

    Eric Metaxas (Best-selling author and speaker)

    “Seth Gruber is the leading voice of the pro-life movement. There’s no one else out there like him. Seth’s book The 1916 Project is shaking the foundations of hell. I believe the battle for the lives of the unborn will define the future of the United States of America. And, in these Last Days, this book may very well be the thing God uses to awaken His church from her slumber and finally end the genocide of babies. If there’s one pro-life book you read, make sure it’s this one!”

    Jack Hibbs (Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills)

    “The 1916 Project is everything the church needs to know about how this evil and sinister culture of death was created. I wish someone like Seth had written this book in the 1970s and discovered all of the dirty little secrets about the sexual revolution we’re dealing with today. This book is the wake-up call we need as a sleeping church! Read it now and join us in the fight!”

    Kirk Cameron (Author & TV Host)

    Seth Gruber’s boldness is necessary. In a culture where timidity is championed, Seth provides more than an emotional response. He has provided facts, history and a Biblical authority to support a bold response to a culture of death. Seth has established a manifesto for courage, we must use our voices for those who cannot speak. Take the time to read The 1916 Project and then share it widely within your sphere of influence. Let us not remain silent during our time in the arena!

    Pastor Allen Jackson (Allen Jackson Ministries)